Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11 must furnish their income tax must in ITR-6 Form.
What are the companies claiming exemptions under section 11?
Companies claiming exemption under section 11 are those whose income from property is held for charitable or religious purposes.
Click here to view the latest ITR-6 form from the Income Tax Department.
If the assessee is liable for Audit u/s 44AB and the accounts have been audited by an accountant, the details of such audit report along with the date of furnishing it to the department has to be filled under the head "Audit Information."
From AY 2013-14, if a taxpayer is required to furnish an audit report under sections 10(23C)(iv), 10(23C)(v), 10(23C)(vi), 10(23C)(vi a), 10A, 12A(1)(b), 44AB, 80-IA, 80-IB, 80-IC, 80-ID, 80JJA, 80LA, 92E or 115JB, he shall file the report electronically on or before the date of filing the return of income.
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The Form has been divided into two parts and several schedules:
The 33 schedules are:
Instructions for filling out ITR-6
Sequence for filling out parts and schedules
The Income Tax Department advises assesses to follow the sequence mentioned below while filling out the income tax return.
The ClearTax software automatically selects your ITR form.
E-file without worries.
This income tax return has to be compulsorily furnished electronically under digital signature to the Income Tax Department.
No document (including TDS certificate) should be attached with this return form while filing ITR-6. All such documents enclosed with this Return Form will be detached and returned to the person filing the return. Taxpayers are advised to match the taxes deducted/collected/paid by or on behalf of them with their Tax Credit Statement Form 26AS.
Fill up the required information in the Verification document. Strike out whatever is not applicable. Please ensure that the verification has been signed before furnishing the return. Write the designation of the person signing the return.
Note that any person making a false statement in the return or the accompanying schedules shall be liable to be prosecuted under section 277 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and on conviction be punishable under that section with rigorous imprisonment and with fine.